ChatGPT is a specialized GPT-3 based natural language model, that can do many things from formulating answers and generating content to having a real conversation.
How Root Cause Analysis Can Help Your Organization Learn and Evolve.
In this post, we’ll walk through some of the tools you might consider to help you on your API journey.
10 members of Forbes Technology Council recommend tech tools and tips—ranging from apps and hardware created for the sole purpose of managing resolutions.
Let's walk through the details of how you might implement an API Design-First approach, which is one of the many flavors of the broad API First concept.
David Harrison, Rebecca Farr, Marica Sterling, Scott Owen, Javas Vandeway, Scott St. Clair, Harolyn Salandy join forces to talk about utilizing experiences.
This year, several members of my team joined me in enjoying the Advent of Code. I was expecting to have a little fun writing a code, but I was surprised at just how much I learned.
The market research firm said enterprise IT spending will endure in a tough economy, but noted an emphasis on optimization, productivity gains and rooting out inefficiencies.
Find out how to make every member of the team is empowered and given a voice.
What is a side hustle? What does it look like on an agile team? How does it impact the delivery?
13 members of Forbes Technology Council discuss a few new and upcoming technologies that may soon have more consumer applications, as well as trendy tech products they’re especially excited about.
12 members of Forbes Technology Council share ways AI is transforming and improving businesses’ interactions with their customers.
Teams should get a ‘health checkup’ periodically to uncover potential issues or ‘blockages’ so that it can work on its wellness and improve its chances of performing at peak levels again. Hence, the Team Agility Health Check.
10 members of Forbes Technology Council share their selections for effective network troubleshooting tools every IT pro should know about.
Developers have the goal of providing software that meets the needs of the customer, whatever those might be. When our tools become more capable, we can deliver better software faster.
There are many things to consider when building an Android app. Implementing best practices can help you and your team working on any codebase (new or legacy).
15 members of Forbes Technology Council discuss factors that could delay or derail the continued growth of wearable tech.
A few of our lead Android architects have summed up everything you need to know about Google i/o 2022 in just about 30 minutes.
We’ve interviewed experts across a range of industries to create a unique window into the past, present, and future of experience.
15 members of Forbes Technology Council share smart strategies tech leaders can leverage to ensure the team keeps up when its various members (or they themselves) take time off.
A few of our lead iOS architects have summed up everything you need to know about WWDC 2022 in just about 30 minutes.
A careful blend of features uniquely tailored to serve your target audience can make your website or app one of your most efficient and effective sales tools.
Consumers have seen technology make big changes in the ways they do everything from completing household chores to staying in touch with family and friends
Businesses that rely on open-source software need to carefully assess their choices and do their part to support the system if they want it to survive.
Experience consultancies have been helping all these industries develop the very same experiences we are now being measured against.
The award celebrates the region's top tech leaders from the diverse industries supporting our vibrant North Texas business community.
From blockchain to self-driving cars, certain high-profile tech developments may have a steep hill to climb before business and consumer marketplaces fully embrace them.
Understanding the current and potential capabilities of your organization’s APIs is an important way to ensure your brand is able to stay up-to-date
Danny Baggett discusses how we learned that API design can have a profound impact on user interfaces and, thus, user experiences.
The Solution Architecture Quadrant is a diagram exercise whose outputs represent an amalgam of TOGAF-grade information gathering and SAFe-centered focus.
Martech is more than just a set of software solutions, but instead is a platform for the entire business to drive growth from as a collective whole
10 tech experts from Forbes Technology Council share important aspects of good ergonomic design that tech developers sometimes overlook and why it’s so important to get these features right.
16 members of Forbes Technology Council share industry functions that are being improved or taken over by artificial intelligence.
Google held the first-ever 100% virtual I/O this year! Check out the announcements made during conference last week.
Any significant investment in digital solutions considers cross-platform technologies at some point, we dive into different solutions.
Nine members share cost-effective ways businesses—particularly tech businesses—can leverage technology to reach potential new customers.
Several brands have introduced App Clips as a way to provide a frictionless experience for travelers as well as increase customer engagement.
13 experts from Forbes Technology Council share their best tips for optimizing modern websites and designing them for the mobile era.
11 members of Forbes Technology Council offer their top predictions on the specific types of IT investments businesses will be making in 2021
10 members of Forbes Technology Council share the most compelling piece of EdTech they’ve seen recently and why they’re impressed by it.
12 members of Forbes Technology Council shared tips for companies that want to build trust with consumers when it comes to using their personal data.
App Clips will allow users to have a native app experience available in critically contextual moments without requiring a download.